Our Life

Year: 2022

Got 2 Puppies Today

We now have two 8-week-old puppies. They are Aussiedoodles, a mix between a Poodle and Australian Shepherd. Lacie found them on CraigsList and her and the kids drove 2 hours to Killeen today to get them. She sent me a pic of the kids in the car with the puppies on their way back and they looked super happy.

We promised the kids if we moved to Texas we would get a dog, and since it’s been 9 months since we moved I suppose the second dog is “interest” owed. Now time to train some puppies!

Lacie built a really nice fenced area right off the back patio, so we have a good spot for them to run and play.

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Lone Star Float House Intel

Lone Star Float House

After work today I took a drive to check out places along the Guadalupe River that offered shuttle services to float the river. I looked up a place called Lone Star Float House and went there for a burger. I figured that’d be the best way to get the intel I need. And I was right. The server told me everything I needed to know!

Found out you can pay $10 and they will drive you up to a place called Caps up the river and then you can float back down to our the River Chase Park. Also found out you could pay to park your car there for $25 on weekdays and $50 on weekends. So that’s another option.

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Sold the Motorhome!

Well we finally sold Big George! It was a little bittersweet because on one hand it was nice to get rid of the monthly payment, but we also had so many good memories in it.

But it went to a good home. A couple from Arkansas bought it after seeing all the nice photos (see below) that Lacie posted after she fixed it up.

Lacie really did an amazing job remodeling and staging it. In fact, I had one guy call and tell me that whoever remodeled it could start a business doing that. I’ve been telling Lacie she needs to start some sort of design business for years since she’s got such a good gift in that area – so I told her now she has to.

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4th of July in River Chase

Kids at the neighborhood 4th of July parade.

Today we went to the big 4th of July party here in our new neighborhood, River Chase. They had softball games going on, face painting, food trucks, and live music. And the firework show was amazing. The kids loved it. Charlie kept saying, “I never seen anything like this!” Charlie has seen a lot of things in his four years but nothing quite like this. 🙂

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13th Anniversary Trip

We celebrated our 13th anniversary and our birthdays at place called Tres Lunas this year. It’s a small quiet bed and breakfast just outside Fredericksburg. And it’s one of my favorite places we’ve ever stayed, mainly because how quiet and peaceful it was there. After our first day there I told Lacie, “I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so relaxed in my entire life, great choice!”

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Excavating New Property

Shortly after moving into our new place we noticed some water issues in the backyard. After it rained we basically had two little ponds form, one right off our back patio and one in the front yard.

It was frustrating because new sod had just been laid in the back and we really didn’t want to tear it up to fix the grade. But after thinking about it knew we had to, otherwise we’d be dealing with water issues for years.

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Our New Home in Texas

Well, we have a home again! After living in Airbnbs and our motorhome for the last 4 months we finally have a place of our own again. And it feels so nice. The original completion date was in February, so we rented an Airbnb for January and February. But the completion date got delayed and since the place we were in was already booked for March we had to move again.

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Our First Month in Texas

Well we’ve been in Texas for a month now so figured it’s time for an update! I’d say the three biggest differences I’ve noticed between Washington and Texas are: a lot more sun, a lot less masks and people are proud of the state they live in (Texas flags are everywhere!).

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