The last 5 weeks have been some of the best days of my life. That’s because on March 17, 2012 at exactly 3:58am we welcomed our first child into the world… little Emma Grace Monen was born 9lbs 8oz and 21″ long! And I must say, she is adorable.
I was going to update this right after Emma was born, then I blinked and it’s 5 already weeks later. Apparently time flies when you’re having fun. And I can already hear all you parents saying, “Just wait, the next 18 years will fly by just like that. It goes so fast.”
And I bet it does. The last 5 weeks have seemed like only a few days as we’ve enjoyed watching our little baby girl grow up right before our eyes. It’s kind of crazy to see her change so fast. One day she looks more like Lacie and the next she looks more like me.
“So are getting any sleep?” Continue reading