Today was our first full day home after being at the NICU for 83 days! And man did it feel good to be home! Charlie had a good first night in his new crib. He slept most the night but we did wake up a few times to his monitor beeping; but each time we checked him he was ok.
Category: Country Living
Today was one of the best Sundays I’ve had in a long time.
My wife and I picked up some top soil today for the new vegetable garden we planted.
It’s been a long time since I’ve “played in the dirt” and it felt good. It was freeing to be away from my phone and laptop all day.
A few months ago we decided we wanted chickens so we could have our own supply of farm fresh eggs. We got them just days after they hatched and now they are about 3-4 months old. They should start laying eggs in less than a month now.
We started with 15 but one was killed by a dog and a coyote got another. So we have 13 now and we’re much more protective of our chickens. In fact I’m planning on going coyote hunting soon!
Here are some pictures our chicken adventure:
Our baby chicks. Continue reading