Our Life

Year: 2011

We’re Going to Have a Baby!

Me and Lacie at Seaside
Me and Lacie at Seaside


Man, I am not doing a good job at updating this blog! It’s been 4 months since I last posted on this…OK, I’ve decided, at least once a month I’m going to post something, anything on here (I’m putting it on my calendar right now).

So what’s happened since July? Well, we went to the beach (Seaside, OR) for Thanksgiving last week. That was fun. Oh and I started a hyperlocal website for Battle Ground WA, called the Battle Ground Buzz….Let’s see what other news is there to report? Oh yeah, we’re going to have a baby! A little girl in fact!

We found out in August and Lacie’s due March 19th! We’re so excited since we’ve been trying to have kids for a while now. If I can figure out how to scan the ultrasound image I’ll post it on here soon.

So that’s pretty much the big news around the Monen household. I’ll write more about it later but it’s already getting late any my wife said it’s bedtime. Until next time!

Our Surprise Hike

Last weekend Lacie, Loretta, Henry and myself discovered an amazing hiking spot. It was Sunday afternoon and we wanted to take advantage of the beautiful day. I had a hockey game that night so we couldn’t drive too far.

We decided to drive 30 minutes north (of Yacolt) to a place called Siouxon Creek Trail. We forgot the map and never found reached our planned destination. Instead we found one of the coolest hikes in the area! I’ve lived in this area for 12 years and never even heard of this place.

And in an effort to keep this hike on the down low I’m not going to tell you how to get there (plus I can’t remember exactly). If you want to find out just email or call me. I just don’t like great hiking spots like this one to be overrun with people.

Here are some pictures, courtesy of Loretta:

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Our 2- Year Anniversary

Earlier this month we celebrated our 2-year anniversary and our birthdays. Yes, for those of you who don’t already know we share the same birthday and decided to get married on our birthday. So June 13th is a big day for us.

This year we decided to rent a cabin on Mount Hood and are so glad we did. The cabin was perfect in every way. It was secluded, cozy and had a hot tub in the back that overlooked the creek. It was very relaxing and the only downside was that we didn’t stay longer (only two nights).

We also got to take a nice hike to Ramona Falls and the trailhead was only about 15 minutes from our cabin. And on our way out we stopped by Timberline Lodge for lunch. It was the best 2 year anniversary we’ve ever had. Winking smile


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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner


A few months ago we decided we wanted chickens so we could have our own supply of farm fresh eggs. We got them just days after they hatched and now they are about 3-4 months old. They should start laying eggs in less than a month now.

We started with 15 but one was killed by a dog and a coyote got another. So we have 13 now and we’re much more protective of our chickens. In fact I’m planning on going coyote hunting soon!

Here are some pictures our chicken adventure:


Our baby chicks. Continue reading

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