Our Life

RV Trip #3 – Bend and Haystack Reservoir

Campsite on Thursday night in the gravel lot.

Campsite on Thursday night in the gravel lot.

We just got back from a fun 3-night motorhome trip in Central Oregon! On Thursday we packed up the motorhome and drove to Crown Villa RV Resort in the south side of Bend (about 5 mins from where we used to live).

Here’s where we stayed the first night:

(Note: if you scroll all the way to the bottom you can watch some videos of our trip that I uploaded from Snapchat.)

And then we moved to a better site the next night that was paved and had a little more room on each side:

Campsite Friday night.

Campsite Friday night.

The campsite was nice and clean but there wasn’t much to do there. But it was perfect for hanging out in Bend. We went to Worthy Brewing our first night there to see “Auntie Sarah” and enjoyed a delicious meal:

Lily enjoying her dinner at Worthy with the biggest cheese face!

Lily enjoying her dinner at Worthy with the biggest cheese face!

My awesome sister! So proud of her.

My awesome sister! So good to see her. 🙂

Auntie Sarah and Emma Grace!

Auntie Sarah and Emma Grace!

Then the next day we had lunch at Parilla, which everyone knows has the World’s Best Fish Tacos! And Lacie got to go to her favorite cupcake store in Bend (Ida’s Cupcakes). Then I went to the bookstore and picked up a couple new books to enjoy (Show Your Work by Austen Kleon and Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer) and then we took our fish tacos to the park and let the kids run around.

Sarah came over after work and we hung out late in the motorhome. Lacie made us all some meatball subs!

Then on Saturday we decided we wanted to stay another night but at a different location. Lacie said I could pick this one since she picked the one we just stayed at…. so I tried to find somewhere that had a view and that was a little more remote.

So after breakfast at Sparrow Bakery I did some quick research and found a place called Skull Hollow.

Breakfast at Sparrow Bakery!

Breakfast at Sparrow Bakery!

Lacie went ahead and scouted it out and found out it wasn’t that great (me and Emma were parked in Terrbonne while Lacie took the minivan to scout it out). So I told her I’d call the KOA in Redmond and just try to make a reservation there. When I called the girl who answered apologized because she was new and had trouble making my reservation… then her baby started screaming in the background so I just told her I could just drive over and make it in person if that was easier.

But right before I was to walk in to the KOA Lacie called me and told me she found a cool spot she thought I’d love (turns out she was right!). It was called Haystack Reservoir and it was awesome! I could tell by the excitement in her voice that it was “the spot.” So I left that KOA parking lot as fast as I could turn that motorhome around and met here there.

Here’s the pics from Haystack:

Our campsite for Saturday night... it was beautiful!

Our campsite for Saturday night… it was beautiful!

Other angle of campsite.

Other angle of campsite.

Other angle.

Other angle.

View from our motorhome.

View from our motorhome.

Another view from the motorhome. :)

Another view from the motorhome. 🙂

About a 3 min walk from our campsite.

About a 3 min walk from our campsite.

Playing by the lake.

Playing by the lake.

The girls were throwing rocks in and loving it.

The girls were throwing rocks in and loving it.

So pretty!

So pretty!

Benji just wanted to play in the dirt, such a boy!

Benji just wanted to play in the dirt, such a boy!



The only thing more pretty than the view that night was my wife!

The only thing more pretty than the view that night was my wife!

We had a campfire that night and the kids loved it!

We had a campfire that night and the kids loved it!

Lily and Daddy relaxing and reading.

Lily and Daddy relaxing and reading.

Matching sisters enjoying messy popsicles.

Matching sisters enjoying messy popsicles.

Emma climbed her first tree!

Emma climbed her first tree!

Mommy and her Booboo

Mommy and her Booboo

And here are a few videos of our trip that I took on Snapchat (I just started using Snapchat right before this trip so this is like my 4th day on it… still figuring it out. But if you’re on it then look me up. My username is joshmonen):

Bend Trip – Part 1

Bend Trip – Part 2

Bend Trip – Part 3

1 Comment

  1. Connie Talo

    How fun! Looks like it was a blast!! *Wish I was there 😉
    Thanks for sharing!

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