Our Life

Year: 2014

Monen Baby #3… It’s a ____ !

Emma Grace was born on St. Patrick’s Day and now we’re having Irish Twins… if only we were Irish!

That’s right, Lacie is pregnant again and her due date is Feb 15, 2015, just one month before Lily’s first birthday (Mar 20, 2015)!

We didn’t find out the sex of the baby last time but we decided to this time…

They're going to be big sisters!

They’re going to be big sisters!

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Life with Two Little Girls

For the last five months we’ve been enjoying life with two beautiful daughters, Emma Grace and Lily Joy.

It’s been a blast being a dad, and I really mean that. One of my favorite things to do these days is to play with my girls. And since I work from home full-time I get to see them a lot, which I love!

So here are some photos our girls over the last five months.

Lily and Emma - May 8, 2014

Lily and Emma – May 8, 2014

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Our Move Home & Baby #2 On the Way!

All Our "Earthly Possessions"

On Saturday, January 25th we moved into our new home in Washington.

Here’s how it happened…

This last Thanksgiving we decided we wanted to move home. Bend is a beautiful city to live in but it’s just not home. And with Baby #2 on the way (due any day now!) we decided this was the right time. Lacie and I both agree that raising our kids around family is important to us. Plus, I got tired of Lacie being gone so much up in Washington. She’d go up to visit about every 5-6 weeks for a few days while I’d be in Bend missing her and Emma Grace. 🙁 Continue reading

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