Here’s some recent photos of Emma Grace… she’s getting cuter by the day!
Day: October 29, 2012
The last two months have been interesting to say the least.
I’ll back up to Friday, Sept. 7th when IĀ receivedĀ a phone call that ended up with us moving to Bend, OR.
The call was from Michael Jans, the President of Agency Revolution and arguable the highest-paid copywriter in the insurance industry. He asked if I’d be interested in a copywriting/marketing position with his company. I said, “Maybe. Tell me more.”
By the time we ended the call I told him I was interested but I would have to talk to my wife before making a decision. So we agreed to talk again on Monday, that would give us the weekend to talk.
We ended up having a long talk and decided this would be a great opportunity for me. Two of the goals I set going into my second year of business were:
- To specialize in the insurance industry, and
- Find a mentor who would help me grow in my vocation Continue reading